Exercise Ideas with a Baby


Do you want to start exercising but have a baby and have noone to look after him or her while you exercise? Don't have a gym membership? Or can't find time to workout? Whether you are new to exercising, want to get back on track after a break or are just looking for some new ways to workout, I hope you'll get some new ideas from this post. 

I have a 7-week old baby and can't wait to get back to my regular exercising routine. In the meantime, while we are figuring out our new life with two daughters, I've started doing some exercises whenever I can squeeze it into my day. So far I've been working out for 20-25 min about 3-4 times a week using 8fit app, going for long walks and hikes in the area, took a couple of gym classes and did some one-off series of exercises a few times while on a walk in the nearby park.

When our first daughter was still a baby, I sometimes ran with a stroller to a nearby park and did some planks, pushups and abs series while she was sleeping. This time I realized that I could also do some exercises while carrying my baby in the sling. And any of you can do that, too, as it doesn't require any equipment, memberships or phone apps and can be done even with a baby sleeping on you! 

'Kangaroo mama' exercise series

This series of exercises can be done anywhere. If you, like me, are a new mom, just put your baby in the sling and enjoy your workout. It is also really effective, especially given that you have that extra weight sleeping on your chest while you exercise. I promise you'll feel your legs after this workout!

1. Deep squats
Targeted muscles: Glute muscles, hamstrings, and quads muscles in your legs.
Number of repetitions: 10 to 20.
Note: When you do the squats, make sure your knees don't go forward past your toes. 


2. Plie squats
Targeted muscles: Glute muscles, quads, hamstrings, and inner thighs.
Number of repetitions: 10 to 20.
Note: Keep your knees over your heels and towards the sides.


3. Front, side and back lunges
Targeted muscles: Quadriceps in the front of your thigh, glute muscles, inner thighs and core muscles in your abdomen and your back to stabilize your upper body throughout the movement.
Number of repetitions: 10 on each side (count front, side and back lunge on the same leg as 1.)
Note: Keep your knees over your heels. When doing a front and back lunge, both of your legs should form a 90 degree angle at your knees.


4. Bulgarian split squats (with a back leg elevated on a bench or some other surface)
Targeted muscles: Glute muscles as well as the upper leg muscles.
Number of repetitions: 10 on each side.
Note: Keep your front knee over the heel. Form a 90 degree angle with your front knee.


5. Elevated squats with one foot on a bench
Targeted muscles: Glute muscles, hamstrings, and quads, as well as inner thighs.
Number of repetitions: 10 on each side.
Note: Keep your knees over the heels.


6. Front lunge with a foot on a bench
Targeted muscles: Quadriceps and hamstrings, as well as hip flexor flexibility. 
Number of repetitions: 10 on each side.
Note: Keep your knees over the heels.


7. Tricep dips
Targeted muscles: Triceps. 
Number of repetitions: 10 to 20.
Note: To really work your triceps, make the dips by bending and straightening your arms instead of just moving your lower body up and down.


This set of exercises is just a sample of what you can do with your baby in the sling. If you have a set of light weights, water bottles , cans or anything else that can be used as weights, you can do quite a lot of different exercises focusing on your arms and shoulders. Other things include wall sits, calf raises or even wall pushups. As you can see, there are plenty of options out there for you.  

Finding time to exercise after a baby can be hard, but possible!

I know from my personal experience how hard it is to establish a new routine with a baby that allows time for exercising. But I also know that it is possible, even with two kids.   The key to me is that regular exercising routine doesn't mean working out in the gym for an hour five times a week. It also doesn't have to require special equipment or memberships. It can be a combination of gym workouts, exercising at home, long walks, hikes, etc. If you have a baby and like to go for walks with him or her, you can use the time when they are sleeping in the stroller or in the sling to workout. You can have a quick and effective workout even during an unplanned walk in a nearby park.

And remember - if you want something to happen, you'll find a way to do it. Good luck on your journey!